Deprecated: Function _register_controls is deprecated since version 3.1.0! Use Elementor\Controls_Stack::register_controls() instead. in /home/relampay/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6085

Become a Merchant

Integration at checkout page or accept payment via payment URL

Accept Payments Online - Instantly


Accept all common payment methods

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Get started in few minutes

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Integrate Relam Pagos
fast and easy

How to Get Started?

1. Get a Relam Pagos account

First, you need a Relam Pagos account, same time you also get a Visa and Mastercard payment method included, which already allows you to accept most payment cards and Apple Pay.

2. Integrate Relam Pagos on your eShop/ Website

Once you’re all set with your new account, you need to integrate Relam Pagos with your eshop/website.

Relam Pagos have integrations and step-by-step guides for almost all commonly used.

3. Add more payment methods

You can already accept Visa and Mastercard with your account, but Relam Pagos also integrates with a lot of local payment methods

Other methods include local payment cards, mobile payments, invoices, bank transfers and many more.

Open Your Merchant Account

       Sign up today! No monthly fee, just a small setup fee!

    By signing up I agree to the privacy policy